Pro-Wrestling minifigures called "Pro Kaku Heroes -Mini Big Head
NJPW Superstars Ring Set:
Originally, the Pro Kaku Heroes (rough translation: Pro line Heroes)
were released exclusively through New Japan's Fighting Spirit Shop
(also known as simply "Toukon Shop") store back in 2003 as the
"Strong Style Pro-Wrest Ring & New Japan Pro-Wrest Superstars".

Shop released a special four figure and ring set based on NJPW
greats Masahiro Chono, Hiroshi Tenzan, Yuji Nagata and Jushin
"Thunder" Liger.

The pre-release set included a removable plastic figure holder and
the packaging could also be used as ring apron!
the packaging could also be used as ring apron!

To separate the original four figures from Volume 1, all four pre-
release figures would feature an exclusive NJPW stamp at the
bottom of their bases.

It should also be noted that the pre-release figures use a lighter
form of gloss and a lighter colored display base. The Jushin
Thunder Liger pre-release version, for example, features a darker
hue of paint compared to the mass produced Vol.1. variant that
was released one year later.
NJPW Superstars Ring Set (Alternate Ver.):Character Product would also release an extremely rare alternate
colour version of the NJPW Pre-release set that was only available
at New Japan's Toukon Shop.
You can check out the full review on this set HERE

Pro Kaku Heroes - Mini Big Head Figures Vol. 1.:
On September 1st, 2004, Character Product would release the first
Volume of Mini Big Heads (now officially referred to as "Pro-Kaku
Heroes") exclusively through Japanese convenience chain Circle K
Sunkus and online Pro-Wrestling retailer (not to be
confused with
To commemorate the release of Vol. 1., Character Product hosted a
special promotional event at Tokyo's Shinkiba 1st RING arena four
days later on September 5th, 2004.
The 1st Ring event featured guest appearances by Satoshi Kojima and
Kaz Hayashi (11:00 AM) Hayabusa & GOEMON (12:00 PM) and
finally, Riki Choshu (1:00 PM).
Vo1. 1 would consist of a collection of 35, two-inch minifigures with 1
"secret" mystery figure rounding out the set. Vol. 1. would be released
with a total production number of 180,000 pieces throughout Japan.

would sell each Mini Big Head figure from Vol. 1. onward in randomly
inserted blind box" fashion.
Each blind box comes with a booklet showcasing every figure to
collect plus a silhouette of the secret, mystery figure.
Pro Kaku Heroes - Mini Big Head Figures Vol. 1.5.
Following the sell-out success of Vol. 1., Character Product would
quickly release an updated volume of repainted figures.
Vol. 1.5. would feature a collection of 18 figures (mostly repaints of
Vol. 1. figures) plus another secret, mystery figure.
To simplify things, we'll cover all of the Vol. 1. figures and their
respective Vol. 1.5. repaints side by side:

The first figure is Masahiro Chono. The Vol. 1. figure features Chono
in his standard black hair and goatee while the Vol. 1.5. variant
features a stylish gold repaint.

Shop exclusive pre-release sets. It should be noted that this is
probably the only gold haired Chono figure available.

The second figure carried over from the pre-release ring set is
Chono's infamous NWO Tag partner Hiroyoshi Tenzan. The Vol.
1. version features Tenzan's classic NWO Japan-era purple and
black trunks & knee pads.

look with red trunks and pure black knee pads.

famous open hand pose, blue ring attire, plus a time-accurate

The Vol. 1.5. Nagata features black ring attire and no mustache (
the only figure to change up facial hair in the entire line).

Jushin Thunder Liger in his classic Vol. 1. red and white attire
and alternate Vol. 1.5. black and gold attire.
The black and gold Vol. 1.5. Liger is modeled after the "Evil
Liger" character which often resulted in Liger transforming
into Liger's dreaded alter ego "Kishin Liger"!

The Liger figures are easily some of the most detailed figures
from the Pro-Kaku line. With their extended, demon-like horns
and long, bushy hair, the Jushin Liger Mini Big Heads are also
the biggest Mini Big Heads available scale-wise.

Osamu Nishimura; the only figure sculpted in a sitting, meditative
state. The Vol. 1. variant features Nishimura's entrance shirt in blue
with white font for his initials "ON" and Kanji on the back.


The next figure set were only released as Vol. 1. exclusives. Legendary
fighter Kazushi Sakuraba.
The first version of Sakuraba features his entrance shirt, black trunks
and one of many Pro-Wrestling tributes: an orange "Strong Machine"
mask. The mask also comes with Sakuraba's "K S" initials logo.

The second Vol.1. version is based on Sakuraba's ring gear which
features blue boxing gloves, orange trunks and a confident smirk
on Sakuraba's face.

that the three secret Vol. 7. mini big heads (the actual Strong
Machines Wrestlers) were created with the same head mold.
The backside of the masked Sakuraba's shirt sports the "K S"
logo inverted with orange font and a white backdrop.

The next Vol. 1. exclusives are famous New Japan tag partners
Antonio Inoki and Seiji Sakaguchi.
Known for his Martial Arts background, this older version of
Sakaguchi is dressed in a standard Judoka Gi adorned with a
black belt and bare feet.

late 1990's Inoki in modern, black wrestling trunks and
signature "1,2,3, DAAAA!" taunt pose.

is NJPW great Manabu Nakanishi who also uses a similar (but
bulkier) sculpt as the Vol. 1. Antonio Inoki.

The Nakanishi Mini Big Head comes with white colored wrist tape
and standard, black ring attire.

At first glance, both Shinsuke Nakamura Mini Big Heads (which
are some of the earliest figures of Nakamura ever) look completely

The Vol. 1. Nakamura features a gold belt and decal on the side of
his tights, while the Vol. 1.5. Nakamura features only a silver decal
on the side of his tights.

the early 2000's as a NJPW rookie.

Next up is another recognizable face: NJPW main-eventer -
"The Ace of New Japan" Hiroshi Tanahashi.

The Vol. 1. Tanashi features black tights with white stripes while
the 1.5. Tanashi features the opposite white tights with black
Championship belt. The IWGP U-30 belt was the first and only
championship belt sculpted for Vol. 1. and 1.5.

Wrestling trivia: Hiroshi Tanahashi would be the last to wear
the U-30 belt before the belt was retired.

Tiger Mask is painted with red pants and a gold mask while the Vol.
1.5. Tiger Mask figure is painted with an encompassing, bright yellow

The Tiger Mask IV figures stand out as the first and very few figures
in the line to be sculpted in a "Super Kick" pose.

"Dangerous K" Toshiaki Kawada from Vol. 1. and 1.5. is another fine
example of the rarely used kick pose; which Kawada has named his
signature "Dangerous Kick".

The Toshiaki Kawada Mini Big Head is the third and last Mini
Big Head to use a kick pose in Vo1. 1. and 1.5.

appreciation in action figure form). Vol. 1. features a black entrance
shirt while 1.5. is designed with a white entrance shirt.

black kanji on the back side of Masanobu's entrance shirts.
No Japanese Pro-Wrestling figure collection wouldn't be
complete without the legendary Stan "The Lariat" Hansen.

Vol. 1. features Hansen dressed in his modern, black and white
entrance attire complete with cowboy hat, vest, bullhorn, chaps
and Hansen's signature Texas Longhorns pose.

-Japan run alongside legendary tag partner: Bruiser Brody and
comes painted in yellow, brown and beige colors.

"Strong Arm" Kojima who was available in Vol. 1. and Vol. 1.5.
(with no repaint).

The Satoshi Kojima Mini Big Head comes sculpted with Kojima's
entrance robe,miniature entrance mask and nose tape in Kojima's
iconic orange, black and white colors.

While Suzuki would be recreated in Vol. 4. a year later, the Vol. 1.
Minoru Suzuki features a shorter haircuit and a sculpt with Suzuki's
arms to the side.

of the high level of detail put into the Mini Big Head figure's
sculpt work.

founder: Nobuhiko Takada.

attire and look; while the purple trunks and boots are based on Takada's
classic early 1990's UWFI days.

A growing pattern of Vol. 1. exclusives also features submission master
Yoshiaki Fujiwara.

The Vol. 1. Yoshiaki Fujiwara Mini Big Head is dressed in camo
fatigues and comes holding a military styled training baton (Fuji
-wara was known as a very tough trainer).

The Vol. 1. Kazuyuki Fujita; once again, is another very hard to
find Vol. 1. exclusive (we're starting to see a pattern here).

Mini Big Head; complete with Katana and Samurai entrance

The Masakatsu Funaki Mini Big Head is based on Funaki's
entrance attire for Funaki's fight against Rickson Gracie on
May 26th, 2000.
As popular as Funaki was, I always wondered why legends
like Fujiwara and Funaki didn't get other figures in the
Pro Kaku line.

While Vol. 1. and 1.5. have a great selection of Puroresu legends,
perhaps one of the most desirable inclusions of all the figures from
the first two volumes has to be the original Tiger Mask Mini Big

original Tiger Mask: Satoru Sayama and were available in three
different poses: 1) running 2) fight stance and 3) and entrance

The entrance Tiger Mask figure includes a removable turn-
buckle base (one of only four figures to feature this type of
base) that other Mini Big Heads can be displayed upon.

career spanning figures from Hase's run only available in
Vol. 1.
includes Yellow boots with blue stars (meant to represent
Hase's signature "Northern Lights Suplex" finisher) and
a large "H" in blue and yellow across Hase's shirt.

peg protruding from the base of the figure meant to represent
a turnbuckle (which Hase would climb during his entrances).
The second, modern Hiroshi Hase figure is based on Hiroshi's
real-life involvement as a Japanese Politician. This suited Hase
figure also comes with a paper fan adorned with Japan's flag
across the front.

1.5. Mini Big Heads are certainly no exception!
The Vol. 1. Hayashi is designed with white entrance shirt and
black trunks while the Vol. 1.5. alternate variant is colored with
a black entrance shirt and red trunks.

the very rare Jinsei Shinzaki and Hakushi Mini Big Heads.

signature "Rope Walk Chop" attack as he walks along the ring
The Hakushi Mini Big Head (Jinsei's mystic alter ego) comes
dressed in traditional Monk garments with gold highlights, Monk
Staff with ornament, Kanji face markings and blue, dilated eyes.
Available in both Vol. 1. and 1.5., the Kokushi Muso Mini Big
Head (the alter ego of Keiji Mutoh/The Great Muta) contains full
facial Kanji, a Skull necklace, a removable Monk Hat and a Monk
modified "Pro-Wrestling Love" pose!

The Kokushi Muso Mini Big Head would be the first of several
Keiji Mutoh/Great Muta figures created throughout the Mini
Big Head line.

-able Monk Hat accessories and very cool Kanji writing across their

The Vol. 1. Great Muta Spider figure is posed with both arms
outstretched while the Vol. 1.5. Muta is sculpted in a pre-Poison
Mist pose.

debuted in AJPW. The greatest feature for both variations is the
excellent paint job, detailed skull and drooling, green tongue!

The Mechanical Muta Vol.1. is sculpted in the pre-Poison Mist
pose while the Vol. 1.5. alternate variant is sculpted with arms
Like the Spider variants, the Mechanical Great Muta figures
feature swapped poses.
Mini Big Heads Mail-away figures:
Around the release of Vol. 1., Character Product continued to promote
the Pro Kaku line by creating a special Mail-Away offer for two
exclusive Great Muta Mini Big Heads.
two tickets from only four issues of a participating Japanese Pro-
Wrestling magazine for only three weeks!
The clear Pink Mail-Away Mini Big Head is based on the Vol. 1.
Spider Muta while the Clear Black variation is based on the Vol. 1.
Mechanical Great Muta.
It's worth noting that only the Vol. 1. and 1.5. Great Muta Mini
Big Heads are the only figures to feature swapped poses out of
the entire series.
Masahiro Chono 25th Anniversary ARISTRIST figure:Yet another highly-sought after Vol. 1. variant is the Masahiro
Chono 25th Anniversary Clear Black Mini Big Head.

You can get the full coverage and review of this exclusive HERE

The secret figure for Vo1. 1. is Antonio Inoki (dress version).

career as a ring announcer; and would set the tone for future secret
figures to follow in the Mini Big Head line.
sculpt as the regular Vol.1. and Jungle Fight Inoki figures.
The secret Mini Big Head figure for Vol. 1.5. is Keiji Mutoh
in AJPW President suit.

The secret Mutoh Mini Big Head is another extremely rare piece
that is very popular among collectors due to it's scarcity.

The three Mutoh variations including the ring attire Keiji Mutoh
Mini Big Head (available in Vol. 1. and Vol.1.5. with no changes).

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