The Great Muta Spider version figure by Character Product.
In 2002, Keiji Mutoh shocked the Wrestling world when he jumped ship from
New Japan Pro-Wrestling to rival company All Japan Pro-Wrestling; becoming
the company's third president after founder Giant Baba's passing in 1999 and
follow -up president Mitsuharu Misawa's departure to create Pro-Wrestling
During this time, Keiji Mutoh would also resurrect his Great Muta gimmick
by replacing Muta's Kabuki-styled facepaint for a collection of bizarre
looking ring masks.

The Spider look was Great Muta's first design used within All Japan Pro-
Wrestling and the first Great Muta figure made under the Character
Product banner.

The detail in this design is simply amazing. Muta's mask features a
spider web design, demonic spider skeletons and a green, poison
-mist induced, wagging tongue & lips!

As a continuation of Muta's facepaint days, the sides of Muta's Spider
mask also features Japanese Kanji. Keiji Mutoh's noticeable arm scar is
also present.
mask also features Japanese Kanji. Keiji Mutoh's noticeable arm scar is
also present.

The group of skeletons cover Muta's entire ring mask. How many
can you spot?
released by Character Product in a hunched-over, pre-Poison Mist

The splattered colours (another great highlight of this figure) on
Muta's pants contains the text "MUTA".

The splatter work is consistant on the back of Muta's pants, too.

The Great Muta Spider version contains articulation at the waist,
and arms.

By rotating Muta's waist, the Muta figure can be rotated into an
upwards spraying position!

When compared to Character Product's Great Muta Spider version
Mini Big Head figures.
When compared with HAO's 6" Great Muta Spider version figures.
Closing thoughts:Character Product's Spider design Great Muta figure has always been
a personal favorite of mine when it comes to Puroresu figure collecting.
In a nutshell, the Spider design was an amplification of The Great Muta's
classic red facepaint taken to a whole new level.
Until next time!