Whether you're a fan of New Japan's Rollertrons, Tonka's Wrestling buddies
or even the WWE's recent Bleacher Creatures line, plush and Pro-Wrestling
have gone hand in hand for decades.
Mixing cuteness with the legendary career of a Pro-Wrestling GENIUS,
Blog #136 focuses on Play Set Product's Muto Bear Keychain plush figures.
In the late 2000's, Japanese toymaker Play Set Products (also shortened
to simply "PSP") teamed up with Japanese Pro-Wrestling legend Keiji
Mutoh to create a line of adorable plush characters based on Mutoh's
The result: Muto Bear!
to simply "PSP") teamed up with Japanese Pro-Wrestling legend Keiji
Mutoh to create a line of adorable plush characters based on Mutoh's
The result: Muto Bear!

The first Muto Bear plush features Mutoh's mid 2000's "Sir Promenade"
(shortened to "PROM") era attire.
(shortened to "PROM") era attire.

The Muto Bear plush is crafted in a kneeling pose with Mutoh's famous
Pro-Wrestling love hand sign and fabric belt (that is not meant to be
Pro-Wrestling love hand sign and fabric belt (that is not meant to be

When compared to Character Product's Great Muta (Darth Muta) figure.
The Muto Bear keychain stands about 6+ inches tall.
The Muto Bear keychain stands about 6+ inches tall.

The second variant of Muto Bear is Keiji Mutoh's evil Pro-Wrestling alter
ego: The Great Muta!
The Great Muta Muto Bear is based on Great Muta's mid 2000's "Darth
Muta" attire (meant to resemble Star Wars villain Darth Maul).
ego: The Great Muta!
The Great Muta Muto Bear is based on Great Muta's mid 2000's "Darth
Muta" attire (meant to resemble Star Wars villain Darth Maul).

While the Keiji Mutoh version may have the cooler pose and belt, the
Great Muta version has plenty of detail and wild, era-accurate designs
to make up for it.
Great Muta version has plenty of detail and wild, era-accurate designs
to make up for it.

The Muto Bear brand is officially endorsed by Keiji Mutoh himself.
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