Blog #278 The Giant Baba Remote Control Wrestler review.
By the early 80's, merchandising was in full-swing with All Japan Pro-Wrestling. Being the founder and star of the promotion, Giant Baba was the central figure in All Japan's merchandising boom of the era.
Our next wacky figure was released by Japanese toymaker MAME CON in 1984.

Special thanks to for the above photo.
The Giant Baba remote control figure sold for $6 USD upon it's initial release.
The packaging reads
'Remote Control Wrestler
Giant Baba Con'
In case you were wondering, the word 'con' is short for controller.

As expected, the controller makes Giant Baba move and perform chops simultaneously. Notice the 'MAME CON' company logo on the controller.

Providing chops on the-go: the Mame Con Giant Baba operates with three wheels at the bottom of the toy.

A belt-wearing Giant Baba is pictured on the sides of the box.
Sadly, no other likeness was added to expand upon MAME CON's Remote Control Wrestler concept. Stan Hansen would have been a perfect fit swinging his bullrope or Lariat. A fork-stabbing/throat-choppin' Abdullah The Butcher could have been a cool idea, too. Though, Abdullah wouldn't return to AJPW for another 4 years.
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