Just this week, I was finally able to get my hands on another coveted
figure from the Japanese HAO Collection line.
For blog #73, we'll be squaring off against the master of the Armbar,
Mixed Martial Arts champion: Fedor "The Last Emperor" Emeliane
figure from the Japanese HAO Collection line.
For blog #73, we'll be squaring off against the master of the Armbar,
Mixed Martial Arts champion: Fedor "The Last Emperor" Emeliane

Released in 2003 as part of HAO Collection's line of large-scale soft
-vinyl figures.
-vinyl figures.

As usual, the cardboard backing slips off easily revealing awesome, full
-colour graphics of Fedor and his fight gloves.
Fedor's name is displayed in both English and Japanese Katakana along
with the serial "#DS-003" ("DS" is short for the Dream Stage Entertain
-ment promotion while Fedor was the third figure from the set).
-colour graphics of Fedor and his fight gloves.
Fedor's name is displayed in both English and Japanese Katakana along
with the serial "#DS-003" ("DS" is short for the Dream Stage Entertain
-ment promotion while Fedor was the third figure from the set).

The back of the slip-case packaging. I love the scratched metal design.

The Fedor figure's packaging contains the standard item description
found on early HAO Collection releases. The description reads:
This figure is the selected superstar from world sports entertainment.
Learn the spirit behind a figure shows you a new perspective on your
passion for the fight."
The back of the packaging also features the Dream Stage promotion
logo as the official licensee and Fedor's name once again in Japanese.
Let's take a look at the Fedor figure out of the package:
found on early HAO Collection releases. The description reads:
This figure is the selected superstar from world sports entertainment.
Learn the spirit behind a figure shows you a new perspective on your
passion for the fight."
The back of the packaging also features the Dream Stage promotion
logo as the official licensee and Fedor's name once again in Japanese.
Let's take a look at the Fedor figure out of the package:

Sculpted in fighting pose, Fedor Emelianenko is one of the very few
HAO Collection figures to come packaged with a Championship belt.

The included belt accessory (exclusive to the HAO Collection Fedor
figure) is the PRIDE Heavyweight Championship.

The PRIDE belt has a lightweight fabric strap with durable plates and
buckle designs on the sides and back of the belt.
Each plate contains plenty of detail and has a 3-dimensional, textured

The back of the Pride Heavyweight belt contains four buckles and is
fastened with Velcro.

The only other mixed martial artist to contain a championship belt in
the HAO Collection is Wanderlei Silva (#D2-002 and repackaged as
an alternate variant as #DS-005 with white shorts). Both of which
contain the Pride Middle Weight Championship.
HAO Collection figures to come packaged with a Championship belt.

The included belt accessory (exclusive to the HAO Collection Fedor
figure) is the PRIDE Heavyweight Championship.

The PRIDE belt has a lightweight fabric strap with durable plates and
buckle designs on the sides and back of the belt.
Each plate contains plenty of detail and has a 3-dimensional, textured

The back of the Pride Heavyweight belt contains four buckles and is
fastened with Velcro.

The only other mixed martial artist to contain a championship belt in
the HAO Collection is Wanderlei Silva (#D2-002 and repackaged as
an alternate variant as #DS-005 with white shorts). Both of which
contain the Pride Middle Weight Championship.

Fedor comes in his PRIDE-era "ADRENALINE" attire.

The design continues on the back of Fedor's trunks.

For display purposes, the Pride Heavyweight Championship can also
be slung over Fedor's shoulders.
be slung over Fedor's shoulders.

At just under 7 inches (17cm) The HAO Collection Fedor soft-vinyl
figure is the largest figure ever made of the Emperor.
If you look closely, you'll even see Fedor's right cheek scar!

Articulation-wise, Fedor features artciulation at the arms, wrists,
neck and waist.
What's even cooler is that Fedor's head tilts direction when rotated;
adding to the figure's intimidation factor!
In our next figure review, we'll be looking at another "giant" in the
HAO Collection!
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