Bringing you the most Japanese Pro-Wrestling figure information on
the web, today's figure coverage focuses on another deluxe variant
from Character Product.
the web, today's figure coverage focuses on another deluxe variant
from Character Product.
For blog #79, we'll be taking a look at Charapro's Kokushi Muso DX

Released in 2003, this deluxe figure would be the second take on
Keiji Mutoh's Kokushi Muso gimmick.
The packaging contains three graphics of Muso (two in-ring shots)
and a Muso illustration along with a sticker for All Japan Pro-
Wrestling (which Mutoh took over as president in 2002).
Keiji Mutoh's Kokushi Muso gimmick.
The packaging contains three graphics of Muso (two in-ring shots)
and a Muso illustration along with a sticker for All Japan Pro-
Wrestling (which Mutoh took over as president in 2002).

The back of the packaging contains Muso's stats and a brief bio dedicated
to the origin of the gimmick.
to the origin of the gimmick.

Fresh from it's packaging, the Kokushi Muso DX figure contains some
of the most accessories ever packaged with a Character Product figure
(the most ever packaged was Charapro's Great Nita Deluxe figure).
of the most accessories ever packaged with a Character Product figure
(the most ever packaged was Charapro's Great Nita Deluxe figure).

The DX Kokushi Muso figure with his first set of arms in prayer pose.

Kokushi's entire body is covered with Buddhist Tattoos written in
Japanese Kanji and English; both of which spell out Kokushi's name,
Keiji Mutoh's "Pro-Wrestling LOVE" slogan and Muso's involvement
with the B.A.T.T. (Bad Ass Translate-Trading) stable.
Japanese Kanji and English; both of which spell out Kokushi's name,
Keiji Mutoh's "Pro-Wrestling LOVE" slogan and Muso's involvement
with the B.A.T.T. (Bad Ass Translate-Trading) stable.

The left side of Musoh's pants contains the Japanese Kanji "黒師無双"
(Kokushi Muso).
(Kokushi Muso).

After switching out Muso's prayer arms, the first and second accessories
are Muso's slip-on top and bonus attachable arms in a monk-inspired Pro
-Wrestling LOVE pose.
are Muso's slip-on top and bonus attachable arms in a monk-inspired Pro
-Wrestling LOVE pose.

The third accessory is Muso's wicked Skull necklace.
Unfortunately, I forgot to clean out all of the green plasticizer on the skull
accessory of this figure before taking photos.
Unfortunately, I forgot to clean out all of the green plasticizer on the skull
accessory of this figure before taking photos.

The fourth accessory is Muso's semi-face-concealing bandana which
repeats many of the text scrawled on Muso's body and attire.
The fifth accessory is Muso's second bandana.

The back of the bandana drapes down Muso's back; revealing the same
Muso illustration featured on the front and back of the figure's packaging.

The sixth and final accessory is Muso's monk hat.

The top of Kokushi's Monk hat accessory contains Muso's name
written in Kanji once again; while the rim of the hat contains the
B.A.T.T. stable name.
written in Kanji once again; while the rim of the hat contains the
B.A.T.T. stable name.

To date, Charapro's DX Kokushi Muso figure contains the most
accessories ever packed with a Keiji Mutoh/Great Muta figure.

For completionists, Character Product would also produce Kokushi's
third and final figure as part of the company's Pro-Kaku Heroes Mini
Big Head figures line in Volume 1. and 1.5. a year later in 2004.