Up next is another figure that is relatively commonplace among Puroresu collectors.
But, did you know there exists three other figure variants as well?
Blog #189 covers all four variants of the Toshiaki Kawada Character Product figure.
Character Product released the Toshiaki Kawada figure back in 2003.
I believe this is one the last examples of a Character Product figure to come packaged
in Charapro's old fashioned blister card packaging.
Toshiaki Kawada's nickname "Dangerous K" is also present on the top left corner of
the card.
Next to Stan Hansen (who retired two years previously back in 2001), Toshiaki Kawada was
the biggest remaining star in All Japan Pro-Wrestling after the formation of Pro-Wrestling
Over the years, I've been asked by collectors what is the "green goo" found on the Kawada
figure's boots.
Simply put, the green goo is a plasticizer (an oily liquid used with the creation of PVC
figures) that has decomposed from improper storage or UV light exposure. Plasticizer
helps make figures softer and more flexible - which is very important for a figure's articulation.
Unfortunately, the plasticizer and choice of paint used for the Kawada figures have created
a commonplace issue - the leak of green goo and associated bubbling effect on the Kawada
figure's boots.
Beyond the Toshiaki Kawada figure, I've also noticed plasticizer goo on two other Character
Product figures: 1) Jushin Thunder Liger (Black and silver Mini Big Head) and the Kokushi
Muso DX figure variant.
Let's take a look at a loose example:
Toshiaki Kawada comes sculpted in a standard fighting stance with both dukes up.
This loose Kawada figure example contains less bubbling along Kawada's tights.
Though, the green goo has been cleaned along Kawada's boots.
Kawada's ring attire and shin guards are on point.
The back of the Kawada figure is stamped:
seeing as Kawada was still employed by All Japan Pro-Wrestling as an active competitor
when this figure was released.
Now, let's take a look at three other figure variants:

The second Toshiaki Kawada figure variant is known in Japan as "川田 利明(ブラッククリ
ア.ver)" (Toshiaki Kawada Clear Black Ver.).

The clear-black variant figure contains a translucent body. I find it quite creative on
Character Product's part to keep the yellow portions of Kawada's ring attire intact.
Which bring to mind Character Product's Great Muta Spider and Mech clear versions
that were also released the same year.
The third variant is referred to as: "川田 利明 クリア.ver" (Toshiaki Kawada clear ver.).
A simple clear-white variant that is also hard to come across.
Easily the most expensive variant of the set is the Mitsuharu Misawa vs Toshiaki Kawada
deluxe double pack (which you can read my full review on HERE<--------------------).
Character Product would use the same Kawada head mould to create two Kawada minifigures
as part of Character Product's Pro-Kaku Heroes Mini Big Head series.
The Toshiaki Kawada kick variant comes from Vol. 1. and Vol. 1.5. which were released from
2004 to 2005. The gown version was released as part of Vol. 4. which came out in 2005.
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