Our next entry contains four words just about every figure collector loves to hear: "Deluxe
Figure Two-Pack"
...and, when it comes to two-packs in the land of the rising sun, no Japanese toy manufacturer
produced more two-packs for a Pro-Wrestling promotion than Mogura House.
For Blog #191, we're going to take an in-depth look at Mogura House's limited edition Kenta
Kobashi vs Jun Akiyama deluxe figure two-pack.

Released in 2004 by Japanese toy maker Mogura House, this deluxe two pack contains
the only instance of both a Kenta Kobashi and Jun Akiyama action figure packaged together.
Again, I'm a sucker for packaging and the included photos of Pro-Wrestling NOAH era
Kobashi and Akiyama are just fantastic.
Collectors should note that this deluxe two-pack contains an exclusive Kenta Kobashi figure
variant. With two closed fists and special facial hair.
Kobashi's facial hair in this exclusive variant is less noticeable (and closer to a stubble).
The two common Kenta Kobashi Mogura House figures. Clean shaven and goatee.
The included Jun Akiyama figure is also an exclusive figure variant with added facial hair.
The included belt accessory is the Pro-Wrestling NOAH GHC Heavyweight Championship.
While the belt itself is available in many other figure assortments released by Mogura House,
the GHC belt's inclusion makes this figure set all the more classy.

Another major highlight to the deluxe Kobashi and Akiyama figure set is the lovely gold sticker
stuck to the bottom right corner of the clamshell packaging.
The gold foil sticker indicates that this figure set pays tribute to Kenta Kobashi and Jun Akiyama's
5 star Championship match which occured on July 10th, 2004 in Japan's historic Tokyo Dome.
The event was known as "NOAH Departure 2004", which took place in front of an attendance of
58.000 people.
As if two exclusive figure variants and a Championship belt accessory weren't enough, the Kobashi
Akiyama two-pack also comes with a deluxe acrylic display base and two acrylic name plates that
contain both Akiyama and Kobashi's names.
The back of the packaging contains more excellent images, the name of the Tokyo Dome event
and a bio for both Wrestlers. I've included a translation of the package below.
Kenta Kobasi (left side of packaging)
栗東町民体育館VS大熊元司でデビュー/DATA 学生時代
"Born: March 27, 1967 in Fukuchiyama, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan / 186cm, 115kg
/B type / Entrance theme music is BLAZIN /DATA Debuted on Feb. 26, 1988 at Ritto Town
When he was a student, he devoted himself to judo and once got a job, but he couldn't give up his dream. He entered professional wrestling. He has built up a strong body with his unceasing efforts
and indomitable spirit.
In 2001, he underwent five surgeries on his right elbow and both knees, but he recovered and
became known as the Iron Man. Who can stop this man?"
Jun Akiyama (right side of packaging)
東京・後楽園ホールVS小橋健太でデビュー/DATA 高石
"Born October 9, 1969 in Izumi City, Osaka Prefecture, Japan / 188cm, 110kg
/AB type / Entrance theme music is STERNESS / Debuted on September 17, 1992 at
Korakuen Hall vs. Kenta Kobashi in Tokyo, Japan/DATA Akiyama experienced amateur
wrestling in high school and Senshu University. He won the All Japan Student Championship
and was the captain of the team in his senior year.
After graduating, he became a professional wrestler and became a top wrestler with the nickname "Supernova". He won the GHC Heavyweight and Tag Team titles. "New GHC (Hardcore) Championship. He is the man who brings the storm!"
Closing thoughts:
The Kenta Kobashi Vs Jun Akiyama deluxe figure set is simply an awesome collector's piece.
The two exclusive figure variants available nowhere else, Championship belt accessory, acrylic
display base and attached Wrestler name plates just makes this set all the more collectible.
Kenta Kobashi would end up defeating Jun Akiyama and defend his GHC Championship in a
match that many Wrestling fans call one of the greatest matches in Pro-Wrestling history, a match
of a lifetime between two All Japan veterans and one of the few examples of a perfect card from
start to finish.
Truly, Pro-Wrestling and the spirit of All Japan Pro-Wrestling was still going strong when both
of these legends clashed.
Stay tuned for more figure reviews!
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