In the late 1990's, mixed martial arts promotion K-1 began a merchandising boom
to satisfy growing fan demand among the Japanese public. Action figures, statues,
t-shirts, keychains, cellphone straps and even alarm clocks were all made under the
K-1 banner.
For Blog #165, we'll be looking at the K-1 Grand Prix Ernesto Hoost Figure Key
Released by ima Corporation in 1999, the cardboard backing is one of the few examples
of an entire figure series shown on either side of a figure's packaging.
Stagelight, flames and a shot of the planet Earth from space. What's not to like?
The front of the packaging contains the Japanese text "証紙 002" (certification stamp),
meaning this keychain set was the second licensed piece of merchandise in this category.
The back of the packaging contains a list of other figures to collect in the series
along with simple instructions to open the ballchain clip.
A scan of the packaging. As of writing this review, the ima corporation website is
still active. Yet, the site doesn't seem to sell Wrestling or mixed martial arts products
any longer.

Ernesto Hoost stands over 2 and half inches tall and, like many Japanese figures,
is made of PVC material.
Ernesto's name is written on the front of his trunks in orange and yellow colouring.
is made of PVC material.
Ernesto's name is written on the front of his trunks in orange and yellow colouring.
Ernesto is posed with a raised boxing glove. In reality, Ernesto was known as "Mr. Perfect"
(no relation to Curt Henning) for his number of championship victories.

The back of the Ernesto Hoost figure contains the copyright stamp "(C) K-1 1999".
A look from the bottom of the keychain.
What I like about these figures is how bulky they are. The shrunken down, super-deformed,
chibi look has been a mainstay in Japanese merchandising for decades. A trend that is likely
not going to go away anytime soon.
Eventually, I'll have to review another popular likeness from this keychain line: "the blue
eye samurai" Andy Hug ...complete with signature Axe Kick pose!
More figure reviews on the way!
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