Tuesday, 20 July 2021

Great Muta File Folder review

Previously in Blog #186, we took a look at four pieces of obscure merchandise from Keiji
Mutoh's now-defunct LEG LOCK company.

For Blog #188, I'd like to uncover another Pro-Wrestling oddity from Japan. This next entry
folds under the All Japan Pro-Wrestling Great Muta File Folder.

When pictured next to the official LEG LOCK Office pen.

This particular file folder was released by All Japan Pro-Wrestling in the early 2000's.

The front graphic features The Great Muta in his Jason-X, "Mech" attire. Muta is
pictured ready to spray his signature poison mist.

The graphics are actually cut into the file folder while the white spaces are translucent/see-
through. Pretty stylish.

Though, when I think of Muta misting someone, the last thing I'd think about is Muta
encouraging me to "STUDY HARD" while doing so....

For size reference, here is a 8x11 Autographed photo signed by Asuka/Kana. The see-through
portions of the Great Muta file folder are best showcased here.

Closing thoughts:

Just another wacky piece of All Japan Pro-Wrestling merchandise during Keiji Mutoh's tenure
in the promotion.

I suspect there may be other Wrestlers added to the file folder series (Satoshi Kojima, Bob
Sapp, Kaz Hayashi, and so forth would be my guesses). Though, when I do come across
any examples, I'll be sure to post them here.

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